Saturday, 22 February 2014

How to overcome acidity problem

What is acidity?
Generally, when we find little burning within few mints interval activity near heart it means acidity is started in
our body.  It happened with some people but every single is hunted by acidity. Overeating and unhygienic food always cause for acidity. The acidity in human stomach is gives unhappily mood and lot of disturbance in daily routine work and growth of human body.

Problem from acidity:
·         The primary problem from acidity is more tiredness to our body.
·         Some cells of body dies by acidity these are weak to digestive power of stomach.
·         Unwanted bacteria’s, parasites, molds and viruses are born from acid which are transports to several kinds of ills.
·         Excessive acidity gives to body heartburn, chest pain, vomiting.
·         Long durability of acidity can be cause for heart attacks and cancer.

Some steps can be eliminating to your acidity problems at right from starting which are:
v  Changing the eating habits such as taking untimely food, drinks and sleeping.
v  Don’t take spicy, more fatty, oily, more Junks food.
v  Note down factors from meal, drinks which are causes the acidity repeatedly.
v  Always healthy food and few from hungry.
v  Take early morning fresh 1 to 3 glass of water if salt is digestive to body it reduce some acid.
v  Honey and vinegar juice and basil leaves, are effective herbal treatments for acidity.
v  Take ocean salt with proper quantity in daily meals.
v  Don’t take overcooked and raw foods items, mostly meat items.
v  Take some pieces of banana, watermelon, cucumbers because these water consumed fruits.
v  Make physical exercise schedule at morning time and follow it every basis.
v  Don’t excessive alcoholic drinks, tobacco items, meat items cause acidity.

v  Knowledge is not everything control to acidity help of doctors and antidote are necessary.

1 comment:

  1. Great things you’ve always with us. Just keep writing this kind of posts.The time which was wasted in traveling for tuition now it can be used for studies.Thanks

    Kim B.
